Viya Constructions

Homes after Kerala Floods : Sick Building Syndrome

Sick Building Syndrome after Kerala Floods Viya Constructions

Yes! It is painful to see your precious home inundated in water. Damage to the homes caused be recent Kerala floods is beyond expression. Anyways, what has happened has happened! Undoubtedly, rebuilding life inside the flood affected homes is the challenge of the hour. And the biggest one among that is SBS or Sick Building Syndrome.

Our homes after the Kerala floods : Sick Building Syndrome

(Know what Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is and how to prevent it)

What is Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)?

Sick Building Syndrome refers to a medical condition in which the occupants of a ‘sick’ building feel unwell. A building can become ‘sick’ after a natural calamity (like flood) or as a result of inadequate ventilation or poor building design and construction.

If your house got affected by flood and you feel uneasiness like headache, fatigue, dizziness, nausea and eye, nose and throat irritations, it could be because of SBS.

It is caused by moulds living in wet and damp areas in your house. They grow and breed by releasing spores on damp walls, carpets, clothes and furniture. When you come in contact with these fungi species, it triggers allergic reactions in your body.

Types of Sick Building Syndrome in homes affected by Kerala floods

The common types of moulds causing SBS post Kerala floods are as aspergillus and penicillium. The mould Aspergillus is notorious for triggering lung problems.

These can cause you allergic rhinitis and recurrent sinusitis. All the more, if you have COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), it will turn to infection.

Symptoms and Types of Diseases

SBS can be identified by looking for symptoms like mucus-membrane irritation, chest or nose congestion, chest infection, headache or stuffiness. When it aggravates, the respiratory airway tubes gets blocked with spasm.  And if you are an asthma patient, you need to be more cautious as it could turn into infections.

Apart from respiratory problems, SBS causes skin irritations, gastrointestinal complaints and lowered sensory receptivity. In a developed country like Sweden, SBS from post flood moulds have made 45% of reported victims unable to work.

Well, the good news is that you can save yourself from SBS by taking a few protective steps.

Protective mechanism against SBS post Kerala floods

Whenever you come across white, black or green mould in any area of your house, get rid of it. Drying and disinfecting wet and damp areas will stop further mould growth.

Follow these and get back to normal life in your home as soon as possible.

Moreover let us show the true spirit of Malayali and overcome these challenges. Let us stand together and help each other to rebuild Kerala. Karmabodhaka Public Charitable Trust (CSR wing of Viya) stand by you!



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