Kerala has a predominantly humid climate. And, with this moisture comes our constant battle with mosquitoes, ants, lizards, spiders, rats and what not! These tiny creatures, unfortunately, find themselves at “Home” when residing in the remote corners of our homes. With them comes the extensive need for pest control.


Before we delve into our topic, there is one more key concept we seem to be forgetting here.

Ecofriendly pest control techniques

Prevention is Better Than Cure

Instead of dealing with this constant struggle to keep all the pests away, it is always better to address this aspect during the construction phase by adopting termite proofing and pre-construction pest control processes. Today, there are many options at our disposal which eliminates the need for pest control while living in the house. In this case, the inmates do not have to deal with the aftereffects of constant exposure to chemicals either. 

The most popular option during pre-construction remains termite proofing by treating the soil. It involves treating the soil with a BIS approved anti-termite chemicals. Other options are to use anti-termite chemicals to treat areas around pipe beddings, floor-wall intersections, portions which would hold wooden products etc. But make sure you approach a skilled technician to get these procedures done.


However, you do not have to worry if your home is past this stage. You still have various pest control options. But, the bigger question is: Is eco-friendly pest control possible?

Why Adopt Eco Friendly Pest Control?

Of course, the market presents us with a large number of options, from repellent sprays to gels, on which we depend for instant relief. When it’s extreme, most homeowners turn to pest control treatments for their homes. These, however, involve the discomfort of vacating the space for a set period of time. 

But there is one common factor present in all these solutions: CHEMICALS. Yes, each of these solutions depends on toxic chemicals which may have a drastic impact in the long run. Especially on the budding young generation. We already experience enough pollution when we step out. Isn’t it better to keep the chemicals at bay at least at home? 

Eco friendly Pest Control is not as complex as it sounds. All you need is a few ingredients off the shelf of your kitchen. And, of course, a little time off your busy schedule!

Methods Of Eco friendly Pest Control

The Basics

Let More Air and Light Inside

Pests love the dark and shady. This is where they feel at ease and hence, multiply. Make sure you allow a sufficient amount of light and ventilation into your home. Keep those windows open and part those curtains from time to time. 

Clean-Up In And Around Your Home

Dirt always attracts pests. Make sure you always keep your home clean. Clean up the floor using a normal vacuum cleaner or the steam vacuum cleaner, to remove microorganisms that may be allergic to people. Go around and check for burrows or holes that may have gone unnoticed. Close all these to avoid rodents from finding shelter.

For Cockroaches, Lizards and Rodents:

Expose The Nooks And Corners

Cockroaches and lizards usually find shelter at the nooks and corners of sinks, drainage and cupboards. These areas are often quite difficult to clean. Hence, expose them to sunlight whenever possible. Preferably, once a week.

Natural Repellents

Combinations of certain ingredients act as natural repellents. These will thus assist you in safeguarding your home from pests while also being eco-friendly. Here are a few such techniques:

  • Add baking soda to ground sugar, and make balls out it. Place them in areas where there is a probability for cockroaches to thrive. The balls will attract and also kill them.
  • Peels of orange or lemon or floor cleaners with citrus fragrance help in reducing pests like cockroaches since citrus fragrance repels them.
  • Ginger is toxic to rodents. In case you are a victim to rodent nuisance, just grind some ginger and throw it along the paths and areas where their presence may be possible. For outdoors, growing ginger in your backyard garden may prove to be effective. Well, you could anyway use the organic ginger in your ginger ale!

For Ants, Mites, Snails and Flies

Salt Scares Snails

Snails don’t seem that harmful, however, they may destroy your well cared for plants. You can avoid this trouble with some salt/salt solution. 

Save Your Coffee Dregs

The habit of pouring the coffee grounds (the dregs remaining after brewing coffee) onto plants is quite helpful in keeping the snails out of the way. 

Mint To The Rescue

Use of mint leaves falls under the best of eco-friendly pest control techniques. Slightly rub mint leaves together. Wrap them in a piece of cloth, and leave it at a corner in the room. This will drive all the ants and flies away.

Reinforce Your Cleaning Techniques

Wiping counter-tops with a solution of vinegar and water cleans the surface well and keep the ants at bay. Mopping the floor with baking soda solution will also reinforce cleaning. This will again help in keeping the ants away.

For outdoors, dissolve soap in water and add two drops of neem oil to it. Spray it around to save the area from ants and termites.

Take-Aways From Eco Friendly Pest Control

In today’s world, our health is deteriorating every day in ways quite unknown to us. Chemical pesticides and insecticides are one among the contributing factors. They are something we have gotten used to. Be it pest repellent sprays or mosquito repellent coils, these have become a part of our monthly home supply lists. So it’s time that we take a step back.

Eco friendly pest control springs upon a new hope in our lives. A hope to take that one baby step towards living a healthier life. Of course, there are many uncontrollable factors which affect our health. But controlling factors that are at our disposal is a crucial step forward. Unlike eco-friendly options in other domains, the cost involved is almost zero here. And, all it asks for is a slight effort at your end.

So, what are you waiting for? Take a step forward today!

Adopt Eco Friendly Pest Control.