Home Construction: 7 Common Mistakes and Misconceptions 

Are you starting on the construction of your Dream Home? Often, when it comes to our Home Construction, we make the mistake of just starting without enough research and planning. People say, “You just got to start on your home construction, rest can happen along the way”. WRONG!

Well, you could get it all done that way. But, not without incurring some obvious losses. At the end of the day, it’s your hard-earned money and for most of us, it’s just one home. There is no harm in being a bit cautious. Here are some tips we gathered from our experts.

Painting the Right Way

In the initial rush to get our homes all set up for the most awaited House Warming Ceremony, we often mess up the painting part of it. Most homes have unnecessary multiple coats of paint. We don’t recognize this mistake until some time passes by. Well, initially it’s all glitz and glamour, be it ivory or yellow. But, later it all turns dowdy.

This mainly occurs due to the timeline. The solution is to give enough time for the white cement to settle in and absorb all the moisture. Applying putty and paint after this breathing time will limit the number of coats as well. Also, you won’t fall prey to all the aftereffects. If the putty is applied before this time gap, you will most likely see cracks appearing on the bottom of your walls in 3 months or so.

Plan your Terrace

Well, the terrace may not be given much thought before home construction. But we have seen most homeowners spend an awful lot on it post-construction. Yes, a large cost to pay for this little ignorance. 

Most people opt for a front-facing terrace with the dreams of a lush green terrace garden. However, once the excitement fades, let’s face it, no one seems to have the time and energy to maintain it. It merely remains a dream and you end up paying to turn your terrace into a utilitarian space.

Stay Away from Unnecessary Grandeur

Well, all of us want our homes to be the best! We do not want it to lack something that most other homes around us have.

However, the more important question is, “Are you just falling for the Trend? Do you need it?”.

One such example is that of an “Upstairs Living Space”.Over the past few years, this has become another “mandatory” on the home construction list. But it remains unused in most homes. 

Today, half the time people have glued to their phones anyway. The TV is not of much use. Additionally, living space set up downstairs already addresses this need. Why not use this extra space for something more creative. Also, save yourself from the cost of the extra furniture.

Make Stigma-Free Decisions

In Kerala, home construction is associated with a set of societal stigmas. First, you must realize that you are building this home just for you. And, more importantly, you are paying for it. Avoid making decisions just to meet societal standards and stigmas. 

One common example remains the use of Teak Wood. If it’s not Teak, then it takes a hit on your status symbol. Funnily enough, even contemporary homes in Kerala are all about Teak. We have seen people weirdly insist on the use of teak wood, even if it does not even go well with the decor or architecture. But something which is not teak remains a big “No-No”. 

Teak is not a bad option. But it is not a necessity. Today the market offers a plethora of options, which are long-lasting and yet light on the pocket.

Ready-made Accessories are not Always Bad

One common misconception remains with the use of ready-made accessories. The use of ready-made accessories, in reality, reduces the cost of home construction. A vast variety of ready-made partitions, doors, windows etc are available to us today. The involved labour cost is also minimal. Besides, it saves a lot of time and effort.

Utilize the Space Effectively

Proper planning paves way for effective and creative space utilization. Most homes have extra rooms to cater to various needs. Like pooja room, library, storeroom etc. However, by using the wall space effectively, you can easily accommodate these requirements. The purpose is still served but cost-effectively. 

Another commonly seen practice is the creation of a separate dressing room or space. However, once the initial fascination and frenzy fade away, this area often turns dusty and deserted.

Cleverer Approach To Kitchen

Unlike its appearance, kitchen and work area entail a greater cost in comparison to other rooms. A minimum of 2-3 Lakhs is spent on the cupboards and kitchen accessories alone. However, there is a cleverer way around this. You could construct these cupboards along with kitchen counter using Concrete or Ferro-cement. This will bring down the cost considerably while not taking a hit on the appearance or utility. In this case, you only have to get the doors and handles for these cupboards fixed. 

Starting your home construction can be a rather daunting task. It’s hard to figure out what works and what doesn’t. It’s a harder choice when it comes to quality v/s cost. Especially with the common misconceptions which surround us. Another question is on whether to trust your builder’s choices. 

But why even choose a builder whom you can’t even trust? 


Which is why we are here for you. With several years of building trust, our earliest customers still cherish the choices we made for them. 

Let us help you make the best choices. 

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