What is Home Automation?

Home automation is the use of a variety of techniques and technologies to automatically control the environment within a home. Automation can be used to control lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, security, music and video systems in a household.

It is also known as smart home automation or the Internet of Things (IoT).

There are a lot of options for making your home a smarter place. You can plug in smart plugs and use them to control your lights, appliances and other devices around the house. Or you can even use smart thermostats to turn off or on different appliances when you’re not at home.

Several such home automation tools are now available in the market; and in this article we will have a look at a few of the top ones!

Smart Home Automation Solutions - Viya Constructions

Smart lighting is a great way to save money on electricity and to make your home look more modern. It can also help reduce your carbon footprint.

Smart lights are connected via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. They can be dimmed without having to be manually turned off and on by an individual user. This allows for easier control over how bright or dim the lights should be at any given time of day. Moreover, you don’t need a lot of power for this type of technology!

  • Smart home devices such as televisions, washing machines, dishwashers and more are becoming increasingly popular. Consumers who want them in their homes don’t want the hassle of installing new wiring or sensors into an older house without knowing whether or not they will work properly!
  • Some of the key features that make smart appliances a popular choice are
    • Smart appliances are energy-efficient.
    • Smart appliances are convenient and can be controlled remotely.
    • They can be controlled by voice commands and your smartphone, tablet or smartwatch (or any other device that connects to the internet).

Robotic vacuum cleaners are very popular in urban households; especially after the Covid times, when domestic help was difficult to obtain.. They’re not just for cleaning the floors of high-rise apartments, but can also come in handy while clearing pet hair or food spillages.

Robotic vacuums use sensors and cameras to map out your home’s layout, then use suction power to sweep away dirt and debris from hard-to-reach areas (and leaving behind no dust). Because they don’t need you to keep monitoring while they do their thing (and because they can go around furniture), robotic vacuums save time—and make sure that nobody gets hurt by getting hit in the face when there’s dangerous stuff lurking underfoot!


What is more heartbreaking than to see your dear garden plants all droopy and dry by the time you get back from a short vacation?

Smart irrigation control system solves exactly this problem. The smart irrigation control system is a multi-featured device that allows you to manage your whole home’s water supply taking advantage of the latest technology. It connects with your existing irrigation system, whether it be drip or sprinklers, via Wi-Fi or Zigbee.

The smart controller comes with a host of features including:

  • Automatic watering schedule based on weather data.
  • Watering at particular periods of the day.

Smart thermostats are a great way to control the temperature of your home. They can be controlled remotely, and can be programmed to set temperatures in your room according to your schedule. Smart thermostats also learn your habits, and adjust the temperature accordingly.

Using an automated thermostat means you won’t need to check the temperature in your home every day or even every week. The system will keep it at the right temperature until you want it changed again; then all you need do is set up a schedule so that the heating or cooling kicks on automatically when needed (for example after dark)


Smart locks are a great option for homeowners who want to add security and convenience to their homes. They work by connecting with your phone or tablet. It allows you to lock or unlock your door remotely, receive alerts when someone tries to enter the home, and even turn off the lights automatically when you leave for work in the morning and switch them back on by the time you are back home in the evening,

Smart locks can be controlled via a smartphone or tablet that has an app installed on it. You’ll need service from a wireless network provider so that your device can communicate with the smart lock’s server. If you don’t have access to such technology at home yet, but still want some form of smart-home automation features in place—or simply want something easy-to-use without being tech savvy yourself—a basic Wi-Fi connected lock might be all it takes!


Video doorbells are a great way to keep track of visitors and deliveries. They also allow you to see who is at the door, so you don’t have to open it yourself in case it’s someone dangerous. Most models of video doorbells can be connected with a smartphone app. It allows you to speak with visitors through your phone or tablet.

Video doorbells are especially useful for the safety of children when they are left alone at home.


With the Drapery and Blind Control app, you can control your blinds and curtains from anywhere. You may set a timer for automatic opening/closing of blinds or curtains as well as other smart home devices using voice commands such as “Turn on” or “Close”.


A home security system is a great way to protect your family and property.

You can choose the level of security you want, including an alarm that will sound when someone enters your property without permission or try to disarm the system.

Installing a home security camera is a basic necessity, considering the times we live in. It is especially useful to keep a tab on your premises when you are away at work.

Motion sensors are great for catching criminals in the act. They’re also very affordable and easy to install.

Benefits of smart home automation solutions in India

Smart home automation solutions in India offer a number of benefits to the owner and their family. Energy efficiency, comfort and security provided by an intelligent building automation system are some of the major ones. So why not increase the safety and enjoy the cost savings that derive from an efficient management of both domestic and office facilities?

Schedule Your Appliances

Scheduling your appliances to turn on and off at a certain time is a great way to save energy. Not only will it help you save money, but it can also make your life easier. You’ll no longer have to remember to turn off lights or close doors when they’re not needed anymore!

If you want certain devices turned on automatically and others only when needed (for example, if you leave the house during the day); there are many ways that this can be done. You may want them all turned off at night so they don’t waste energy while they’re not being used. However, other times might require that certain items remain active all night long so no matter what happens during those hours—like someone coming home late—you won’t need any extra power for them.


Smart home automation solutions are the future of living. They can help you save money, reduce your carbon footprint and make your life easier. These days, there are many ways to automate your home and make it smarter. We hope you enjoyed reading this article and it gave you some insight into what is happening in the home automation world. We are always interested in hearing from our readers, so please feel free to leave a comment below.

Get in touch with us, if you need any of these solutions implemented in your home.